Endometriosis Cinema

The Module

Chaque personne a une histoire unique, une aventure faite de défis, de réussites, de doutes et d’espoirs. Developed in collaboration with Zabaldu Naraé, ce module de formation est une invitation à raconter son histoire, à lui donner structure et voix par l’écriture et l’image. C’est bien plus qu’un exercice créatif : c’est un puissant moyen de se reconnecter à soi-même, d’éclairer son chemin et de transformer son expérience en un message porteur de sens et d’inspiration.

Vous n’avez pas besoin d’être cinéaste ou expert en narration pour vous lancer. Ce voyage s’adresse à tous : à vous qui souhaitez transformer vos expériences en une œuvre d’art personnelle et à vous qui souhaitez comprendre comment structurer vos pensées pour mieux avancer.

In this module, you’ll discover simple yet powerful tools, like storyboarding, to bring your ideas to life and express your emotions. You’ll learn how to document your daily life, explore the moments that have marked you, and shape them so that they become chapters in an inspiring story.

Zabaldu Naraé

Zabaldu Naraé is an artist with a rich and inspiring background. A former costume designer for the theater, she spent years magnifying scenes with her talent for bringing characters to life through her creations. This experience, combining precision and imagination, led her to develop a passion for visual storytelling and the art of conveying emotions.

Photography is another facet of her artistic universe. In black and white, she captures moments imbued with a unique emotional force, where every shadow and light tells a story. Her artistic sensibility is also nourished by music, an essential source of inspiration in her creative process. A melody or a chord is often enough to awaken in her the idea of a new story.

After years spent working backstage in the theater, Zabaldu took the decisive step of training as a film director to bring her own stories to the screen. Today, she is an emerging female voice in this field, combining her love of writing, directing and visual creation.

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